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상품명 [Deathbed Tapes] Straight Panic - Anthropobscenity (cassette)
판매가 ₩14,000
적립금 350 Mileage (2.5%)
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※ deathbed tape 스티커, 버튼 중 1개 무작위 증정.

An·thro·po·cene - /ˈanTHrəpəˌsēn/
the current geological age, viewed as the period during which human activity has been the dominant influence on climate and the environment.

Ob·scen·i·ty - /əbˈsenədē/
the state or quality of being offensive or disgusting by accepted standards of morality and decency; obscene behavior, language, or images.

Written and recorded October thru December 2019, which seems like a lifetime ago. Iran and America were rattling sabers while 80% of Australia was on fire—cue the Mad Max jokes, comparisons, late night talk show skits. Had Burroughs' nightmare of the virus of language finally manifested itself here, now? Community transmission. "Realize the real truth." The Wild Boys no longer a countercultural screed of revenge fantasy onanism, now a Twitter feed from Rojava, the newest cause du jour of the digital SJW vanguard. I never anticipated March 2020 when I sneered "epidemic spread" into my military-surplus microphone, but here we are, facing
down the uncertainevitabilities of the Postmodern condition.
Lockdown. Quarantine. Social Distancing. A tape loop on repeat; replicating itself with each cycle, which extends and malforms, unfolding in...  more
released March 23, 2020

Recorded Dec 2019/Jan 2020
Temple Haus, NOLA

Art/Design: Alex Ford
Straight Panic: T.B.

Thanks: Alex, Andy, Ric, Derek, Matt H., Bucko, Ryan, Justin, Matt B., Hailey, Anjilla, Josh P., Mark, Trinity, Brandon, Rush, Thomas, Travis, Paul, Antonio, Jordan, Josh S., Austin, Steven, Michelle, Guillermo, James, Wyatt, Roman, Rocha, Ian, Andrew, Philip




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[Deathbed Tapes] Straight Panic - Anthropobscenity (cassette) 수량증가 수량감소 14000 (  350)
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